Sandy Beach Shag Club Lessons |
United We Dance |
John and Robin teaching our Basic Shag Class |
Lessons |
Sandy Beach shag instructors are Robin Morley and John Carpenter and Marlene and Gary Barlow! We teach Beginners 1,2, 3, Intermediate, Lead and Follow, and Mirror Step lessons. Line dance lessons are also taught by Susan Duncan. Lessons are held at the Elks Lodge (see map under Finding Us) on Thursday nights at 6:00pm for Beginners I , and 7:30 for or Beginners II, Beginners III or Intermediate Lessons. We will go about an hour with each class. Open dancing generally follows the lessons. All people are invited to come for open dancing. We are fortunate to have the Elks facility and we are able to purchase beverages from the bar area (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). We have started a new practice of doing a 30 minute review before the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Beginners I classes to review the previous lesson and help with anything we can to make your dancing more fun! --NO PARTNER NECESSARY- Cost for Lessons are Free for all 4 lessons per person. Sometimes we will do 2 two hour lessons, also Free per person. ***Beginners 1 will teach you the Basic Shag Steps, several turns, the Start Step, Sailor shuffle along with style and technique points. If you take Beginners 1, and are or become a member of the Sandy Beach Shag Club, you can take Beginners 1 again at no cost! ***Beginners 2 reviews what we learned in Beginners 1 with emphasis on style, posture, and tempo with some additional basic variations, lead and follow steps, and other components of shag that will help you to learn the more advanced steps. We teach the Belly Roll and the Pivot in this series. ***Beginners 3 will be a great series of lessons because our goal in this class will be to teach great steps such as Belly Roll variations and additional lead and follow steps. In this class we will work on every step until it is mastered instead of moving on to something else each class. There will be plenty of dancing to music and an opportunity to concentrate on style and flow. ***Intermediate class will teach you Pivot variations, and lots of other steps. We also concentrate on style, building the core and proper rotations. See the lesson plans for all classes, to learn more. ***Lead and Follow classes are the most important patterns for social dancing. Most steps in social dancing need to be led, and the ladies need to become great followers. Leading and Following are equally important in shag dancing. We will teach patterns so that men become great leaders and the ladies become great followers. We include lots of style points. *** Mirror Steps are for couples that dance together often. These are patterns that are done as if looking into a mirror and the partners do the same steps. These are the types of steps that competitive shaggers use the most and they are great to know if you like to have some flair in your dancing. If you plan to take Beginners 3 , Intermediate, or Lead and Follow classes and have taken Beginners 1 and 2, you must join the Sandy Beach Shag Club. Membership dues are only $20 a year!. This is a very small price to pay for the benefits you will receive!
Robin and John teach Private Lessons.. If you would prefer to have a more private environment to learn the shag, take more advanced steps, work on your style or be able to take lessons on another night besides Thursday, please contact Robin for more information. Private lessons cost just a little bit more than group lessons, but you get almost twice the instruction at a pace that is comfortable to you. |
Robin Morley 100 Smith Street Morganton, NC 28655
828 443 5995
Susan Duncan: |
Gary and Marlene Barlow |