Libby Burns
How long have you been a member of the SBSC?
2) What do you enjoy most about SBSC?
3) What are your hobbies and interest?
4) What is your favorite shag song?
5) Where is your favorite place to dance?
6) Who is your favorite DJ?
7) What is your vision for the SBSC?
1) I joined the club about four years ago...I think...It was in the beginning of trying to get the club back together.
2) I enjoy the friends that I have made since I have joined the club. We have a very friendly bunch of people, great dance floor and nice facility, and we need to be very proud of our club.
3) I enjoy my family, shagging (of course), walking and working in the yard.
4) My favorite shag song would have to be "Ms. Grace". Carl Traylor taught me how to shag in high school and he loved this song.
5) I have been a lot of places to shag but my favorite is SBSC - Elks Lodge.
6) I have several DJ's that I like - not just one...
7) I would like to see our club continue on the upward path that is has taken in the last couple years. We have a good club, good members but would like to see more members willing to participate in helping with committees and key roles.