Alan Brown (Downtown Alan Brown)



1) How long have you been a member of the SBSC?
2) What do you enjoy most about SBSC?
3) What are your hobbies and interest?
4) What is your favorite shag song?
5) Where is your favorite place to dance?
6) Who is your favorite DJ?
7) What is your vision for the SBSC? 



1) Answer: I have been a member since the inception, Ken Michaels was the first President.  We used to dance at the Holiday Inn Morganton, I cant remember for sure the year '89 or '90?  We learned the basic from Jim and Judy Mauldin in Hickory and were members of LHSC before SBSC existed.  I remember that Deanes looked worse than I did to start with but Debbie always looked good!
2) Answer: The most enjoyable thing about SBSC is the people, they are like family.

3) Answer: Bowling, golf, dancing and drinking!   

4) Answer: Favorite song is pretty tough, probably "Morning, noon and night" by Big Joe Turner or the re-mix of "Memory" by Menage which was a long version and not heard much.
5) Answer: Along the rail just to the right facing the DJ booth @ FAt Harold's!  But I've been told that I like the brass rail @ 2001 too.
     (And the cages @ the Galleon are pretty cool.)
6) Answer: It used to be Murl Augustine until I met the "Hit Man"

7) Answer: My vision of SBSC gets pretty blurry during parties and events, especially when doing the dying cockroach!  But really I think our approach of doing different events and functions will help keep us alive because people get to know each other, stay involved and take ownership in the club.  This helps develop leadership which is the key to any club.