Sandy Beach Shag Club 

January Newsletter 

check us out on Facebook too!  


Morganton Elks Lodge

 Open to public 8:45-1am

Continental Divide Band (Motown, Oldies, Beach, Soul, variety)

Light snacks, cash bar, champagne toast at midnight

$15 single   $25 couple 

contact Robin: or John


CONGRATULATIONS to our January Members of the Month!!!

Kimmie Ross, Scott Rogers, Debbie Hensley

SBSC appreciates all the ways in which you have played an active role in our club!!! 

Free admission and a special table will be set up for you and your friends at our Jan. 8th party!



   Happy Birthday in January:

1/1 Lee Wagoner, Richard Hedrick

1/3 Janet Shanahan

1/4 Sam Reep

1/5 Sarah Huffman , Jim Brittain

1/6 Glen Boston

1/6 Helen Still

1/11 Bill Arcebal

1/12 Randy Bumgarner

1/14 Andy St. John

1/17 Gail Sutherland

1/20 Alan Parks

1/22 Randy Bivens

1/26 Brenda Kendrick

1/28 George Brown

1/29 Richard McGee, Kevin Robinson

1/30 Nancy Johnson, Sally Nicks & Jerrell Wilson


If I have overlooked any member, please forgive me!!



SBSC Board Of Directors Meeting Jan. 20

Time and location to be announced


Membership meeting dates:

Feb. 17, 2011, Apr. 21, 2011 

The Board of Directors meet following each membership meeting


SBSC Hot Dog Supper and Open Dancing on Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 6:30 pm at the Elk's Lodge. We haven't had open dancing in a long time so put on your dancing shoes and let's eat and party.


Upcoming Lessons:


Line Dance Lessons begin January 6 & 13 at 7pm

Free to members, Guests $5 for each lesson 


Shag Lessons:

  $20 per person Feb. 3, 10, 24, Mar. 3. Please arrive 15 minutes early the first night


Beginners I at 6:30 will teach you the basic shag steps, several turns, the start step, sailor shuffle along with style and technique points.


Beginners III will begin at 7:45. This will be a great series of lessons because our goal will be to teach great steps such as Belly Roll variations and additional lead and follow steps.  We will work on every step until it is mastered.



SBSC Committees :


Here are a list of SBSC committees.  If you would like to donate some time to serving on any of these committees, contact the head of the committee.  REMEMBER: It takes all of us to make a great shag club.  Your help is always appreciated!!!!


            Information/Newsletter Committee:      Susan Whisnant



            Website:                              John Carpenter



            DJ Committee:                     Steve Coley



            Door Committee:             Sam and Annette Smith: Co-Chairpersons


                                                  Members: Elizabeth Ferguson, Karen Clark, Lela Duke, Ruby Webb, Susan

                                                  Whisnant, Annette Smith, Sam Smith, Debbie & Dean Freisland

                                                  Doris Shelton, Kenneth McFarland, Jim Noggle, Jim Brittain, Steve                           

                                                  & Phyllis Killian, Gail Brown, Terri Lockee, Sandy Koeze Wheeler, Scott Rogers, and Kimmie




            Food/Hospitality:                   Libby Burns: Chairperson



                                             Dec-Feb:  Lela Duke, Debbie and Dean Friesland

                                             Mar-May: Doris Shelton, Phyllis Killian, and Carollyn Pruett.


            Ticket Committee:                  Sanford Clark: Chairperson


                                              Members-Leah Turner, James Bentley



            Decorations:                           Louise Dockery:Chairperson


                                              Members-Dean and Debbie Friesland, Jim Brittain, Susan Whisnant, Jim Noggle, Gayle Brown,                         

                                                             Jimmy Crisp, Dorothy Barrier



            Membership:                           Robin Morley-Chairperson


                                               Members-Karen Clark, Elizabeth Ferguson, Susan Whisnant, Sam and Annette Smith, Doris

                                                              Shelton, Joyce Kincaid, Alan Brown, Karen Michael                                       



            Adopt a Highway                    Jim Noggle, Chairperson


                                              Members-Carollyn Pruett, Dean Friesland, Elizabeth Ferguson, Karen Clark, Ruby Webb,

                                                              Debbie Friesland, Jim Brittan, Joyce Kincaid, Jimmy Crisp, Norma Ollis, John



            Social/ Planning Committee        John Carpenter, Chairperson (temporarily)


                                                 Members: Shirlene Wike, Jim Noggle, Dean Friesland, Susan Whisnant, Debbie Friesland

                                                                 Doris Shelton, Alan Brown, Dorothy Barrier, Rita Sutherland, Kimmie Ross, Scott

                                                                 Rogers, Carolyn Parks, and Judy Boston.


            After Party Clean-Up                  Jeff Morse, Chairperson


                                                   Members: A collection of dedicated volunteers!                                       





Upcoming SBSC 2011 Parties

All Saturday parties are held at the Morganton Elks LodgeMembers $5  Guests $7     

7:30-11:30pm- Light snacks, cash bar, and DJ 

All in a smoke-free environment--  



    All members are encouraged to bring a snack with a serving dish to each of our parties. Sample items are: peanuts, chips/dip, cookies/brownies, Cheetos, pretzels, pickles/olives etc.


Food table volunteers:

Lela Duke & Debbie/Dean Friesland--Dec-Feb.

Doris Shelton,Phyllis Killian, Carollyn Pruett—Mar.-May



NEXT PARTY: 1/8 DJ Eddie Teeter


Other party dates:

 2/12, 3/26, 5/21, 6/117/23, 8/13, 10/29, 11/19, 12/17


Area Happenings:

Check out these shag websites for upcoming events:


Saturday, Jan. 8 SBSC Party 

DJ Eddie Teeter

 Morganton Elks Lodge


Saturday, Jan 15th Brushy Mountain Shag Club's Re-Up Party

"Genuine" Gene Hensley will be the DJ 


 Elks Lodge 100 Finley Avenue, North Wilkesboro, NC (336) 838-8591


Friday, Jan. 28 Statesville Shag Club's Re-up
party from 8 till 12
"Genuine" Gene Hensley will be the DJ 
Location: VFW Post 2031 Statesville, NC 

(Directions on

Saturday, Jan. 29 Lake Hickory Shag Club Party at the VFW 

320 1st Avenue Northwest

Hickory, NC 28601-6123
(828) 323-3818




SBSC History Tidbits

(final article)

       As you saw from last month’s newsletter, our club was inactive from 2000-2004. 

Our last president before our club’s period of dormancy was Robin Morley. 


         Four years later, our next president for our NEWLY re-established club was William Honeycutt.  It was his honor to get our club back in the Association of Carolina Shag Clubs (ACSC) in 2004. 

         Remember Deanes Short who served as our second president years before??-  once again he was called to be “Leader of The Pack” for the 2005-2006 year.

          Robin Morley stood up again to give legs (and I mean dancing legs) to our club from 2007-2009.  I would like to insert here how Marlene and I met Robin at Godrey’s in 2007. We had visited to learn a line dance for a March of Dimes fund raiser.  She not only taught us the Continental she invited us to the SBSC’s Christmas party.  What a great ambassador she was and continues to be to this day. 

         Arlene Coley stepped into the president slot for the 2009-2010 period.  She not only gives support to one of the best DJ’s in the business, her husband Steve (Hit Man) Coley, she did a fantastic job as our president. 

         Our current president, John Carpenter, is rolling right along to promote and preserve the shag dance and culture. 

         We have covered all the presidents and a few interesting facts in the past months.  These presidents could not have succeeded without good officers supporting them wholeheartedly.  The officers served unpretentiously and efficiently in the background and deserve all our thanks and gratitude. 

         I would like to share a thought from the 2007 SOS Carefree Times that was written by Ron Lancaster, a former SBSC membership chairperson: “Members are the backbone of a club. Participation of our members makes our club strong.” With this said, I would like to extend to all our members an open invitation from John Carpenter, our current president, for each member to give just 30 minutes of their time to help grow our club.  By your participation you can be the catalyst for our shag club to continue making its own history.


Thank-you Gary and Marlene for gathering the information about the history of our club over the years.  Much time and effort was given to compile these articles.  SBSC appreciates you giving the membership a “walk in history.”Hats off to both of you!!!



Happy New Year to all of YOU!!

Be safe!!




Susan Whisnant



               Board of Directors

President: John Carpenter

VP: Libby Burns

Treasurers:  Denny/Marie Young

Secretary: Susan Whisnant

Members-at-large:  Andy St. John, Sanford Clark

Former president: Arlene Coley


 United We Dance!!!