Perri Jeanne Hicks
Perri Jeanne Hicks:
1) How long have you been a member
of the SBSC?
2) What do you enjoy most about SBSC?
3) What are your hobbies and interests?
4) What is your favorite shag song?
5) Where is your favorite place to dance?
6) Who is your favorite DJ?
7) What is your vision for the SBSC?
Perri’s Answers:
1.I have been a member since Oct. 2010.
2. I have enjoyed meeting new, wonderful, friendly people at SBSC. They have made me feel so welcomed into the club.
3. I don't have much time for hobbies, but I love to read, work in the yard when the weather is fit, and walk my dogs, and of course do things with an 11 year old that is not too embarrassing!!
4. Haven't been shagging long enough to have a favorite, I like them all. I especially like Lady A.'s I Need You Now. I like country songs that you can shag to!!
5. Don't know enough about the DJ's to pick a favorite. I have enjoyed them all!
6. I see the club growing in members. It is a great place to be with great people,