Jeff Morse and Lela Gregory






1) How long have you been a member of the SBSC?
2) What do you enjoy most about SBSC?
3) What are your hobbies and interest?
4) What is your favorite shag song?
5) Where is your favorite place to dance?
6) Who is your favorite DJ?
7) What is your vision for the SBSC? 


  1. I don’t remember, I think I started 4 years ago when Lela and I met, so I guess it would be 4 years
  2. The great friends we have made over the years
  3. shagging, tri’s and golf and of course Lela( not necessary in that order)
  4. 9 times the man
  5. Fat Harold’s
  6. who else, Steve
  7. Continue our great network of friends, dances and lessons. 




1.  About 4 years...Jeff and I joined together sometime after we met 4 years ago November!
2.  The strong bonds of friendship among the SBSC members...and you just can't ask for a  
     better party crowd than the SBSC folks!
3.  Dancing, being with friends and family, staying fit (?), traveling
Nine Times the Man
  Fat Harold's
  Steve Coley!

7.  To continue in the current great tradition of being a strong active club that truly cares about its members and the dance, and to continue using our resources to help those in the    community who need a helping hand