Denny And Marie Young
1) How
long have you been a member of the SBSC?
2) What do you enjoy most about SBSC?
3) What are your hobbies and interest?
4) What is your favorite shag song?
5) Where is your favorite place to dance?
6) Who is your favorite DJ?
7) What is your vision for the SBSC?
1) Answer:
Marie and I have been members for the last 15 years.
2) Answer:
Dancing has always been fun for us. We love the social aspect and all the
friendships we have made through the years.
3) Answer: Ms. Grace is one of our favorites and Marie loves Rainy Day Bells
4) Answer:
Marie loves to visit wineries and home crafts and I love golf and of course
5) Answer: The Elk's Lodge is great.
6) Answer: Our club is very fortunate to have our own Steve Coley...He is
7) Answer:
I hope that we can continue with the growth and keep up our membership numbers.
We are on a very positive path and hope that continues.
and the SBSC have brought many happy moments and memories to Marie and myself.
Marie and Denny are the SBSC Club Treasurers, and have done a fine job for two