Our Mission: Sandy Beach Shag Club 2 Inc. is a non-profit incorporated social club in the State of North Carolina, dba Sandy Beach Shag Club. Our club is dedicated to the preservation of the Carolina Shag dance and the music to which we dance. The Carolina Shag is the state dance in both North Carolina and South Carolina. We are known for our hospitality, great parties, and wonderful facilities at the Morganton Elks Lodge in beautiful, Morganton, North Carolina. Whether you dance a little or a lot, or not at all, our atmosphere is second to none. We are a member of the Association of Carolina Shag Clubs and the National Fast Dance Association. Our motto is UWD, which stands for United We Dance.
Important Information: Attention Associate Members: The cost of party admission for Associate Membership is $10. Regular Membership Admission remains $5. We encourage you to consider becoming a regular member for $20 a year.
Items You Should Know About:
Our parties will be the third Saturday of each month except for April, and September. Links on the left side of this page such as the Members Only section and those below, are not opening when clicked on. Please right click on these selections and the choose open in new window for them to open properly. Thanks!
Next Party- To Be Updated Soon
Other Items- We have Fun Monday raffle tickets for sale. These go to putting on the big Fun Monday event at Fall SOS and your kindness is appreciated. The top prize is $5,000. Our member Mike Carlisle won this several years ago! SOS Cards: Please send self addressed stamped envelope and make checks payable to SBSC, to Robin Morley 100 Smith Street Morganton, NC 28655. $30 per card. Please include name and address per card.
Please consider serving your club: It takes each of our members to make our club successful. Our team cannot bring about the fun and opportunity to dance and have fellowship if each of us is not willing to be a part of our success. We will need numerous committee members for 2024-2025!
The Flyer for the 2024 SBSC Sandkicker Megafest with 8 DJs. Get your registrations in now!:
Sandy Beach Shag Club Members Who Have Been Awarded the ACSC Shagging Icon Award Click Here!